NE Wyoming Mule Deer Hunt
Venture into the sagebrush hills of the Powder River

Mule Deer
Region C - Area 17
5 Day Hunt - Oct 1-14
2 to 1 Hunter to Guide Ratio
98% Success Rate
Typical Score of 160-180"
Trophy fee after 180-200"
2 Preference Points to Draw
What to Expect
This 5 day hunt takes you into the rougher, sagebrush hills of NE Wyoming. Generally, we spot and stalk from ATV or small 4 wheel drive trucks.
We spend lots of time glassing so having the best optics you can afford is critical. Typically, we’ll glass and watch animal bed down for the day, then make a stalk on it during the evening hunt.
Plan on leaving the lodge about 5:30 am, and sometimes not returning until after dark, 8-8:30 pm.
Having the best footwear and socks are also critical. Be sure your boots are broke in before arriving.
Trophy score is a gross score done by a certified Boone & Crockett scorer in Gillette before the animal leaves the state.
If you are interested in a trophy deer please be sure and let Marcie know at the time of booking so we can be sure and keep an eye out prior to the season for one for you.
We Live Where We Hunt
We offer 100,000 acres of hunting ground of which 70,000 acres we run cattle on and are there year round so we know the wildlife and their patterns.
The other acres are our neighbors, so we are familiar with the land, and how the animals flow from our side of the fence over to theirs and back.
We live and work cattle here every day we are in the field, seeing the wildlife, learning the circles they make, where they like to shade up and bed down, where they like to water at etc.
We believe in conservation and managing the animals we hunt, that’s why we have a strict management policy of taking only bucks that are over 3 years old. More about our policies, here.
Not up for the spot and stalk? Our goal is to make your hunt the best experience possible. If you find you’re not up for hiking the hills, we are happy to offer blind or more vehicle based hunting options. Just let us know.
Interested in having your own guide? We offer an upgrade to a 1 on 1 hunt if requested at time of booking for an additional $500.
the details
About Your Hunt

Home style hospitality
The lodge was built in 2016. It is a metal pole barn type building, with three bedrooms and four bathrooms. Leather couches, Smart TV, wifi, washer and dryer, kitchen.
Two of the rooms have a queen bed and a twin bed, a bathroom with shower, sink and toilet.
The third bedroom is a dorm style room with two king beds and two twin beds, and its own bathroom with shower, sink, and toilet.
The rooms have large closets to hang items, gun racks, coat racks, towels, and bedding all provided.
A maximum of 10 clients in the lodge at any given time.
All our hunts are out of the lodge, however if you have food allergies or just want more peace and quiet we do offer hunts out of RV Camp trailers set up at another part of the ranch. These hunts are $500 cheaper than the lodge hunts because you provide all your own food and cooking. They are hooked up to water, sewer and electricity, and offer the same hunting ground but no meals.
Breakfast Bar: Cereal, toast, yogurt, fruit, breakfast burritos and microwavable breakfast sandwiches. Coffee, Juice, Milk, Water.
Dinner: Always homemade meals complete with salad, a vegetable, a bread, and a desert made daily.
Marcie loves to cook and nobody ever leaves here hungry.
Client is responsible for packing their own food and drinks for the day. The guide will have an iced down cooler with extra drinks in it, but remember you might end up stalking miles away from the rig so always plan accordingly before leaving the rig.
Build your own sandwich with choices of deli meats and cheeses in the lodge fridge, or just load up on snacks, such as chips, trail mix, jerky, mixed nuts, fruit, candy bars, granola bard etc. all provided.
If you are tagged out and around camp all day a crock pot of soup or chili will always be going, or the leftovers from dinner the night before will also be stored in the lodge fridge for people to pop in the microwave. Water, soda, Gatorade all provided.
Click below for helpful tips on preparign for your hunt, including a gear list and travel info.
Click below to see all of our policies, including those required by the state of Wyoming.
Click below to see all that's covered in the price of your hunt, guide to hunter info and more.